Donate Now Orange Hover Change
Join the team, JOBS Job Ready Program for teens

The overall goal of the
Job Ready program is to
provide participants with
all the tools needed in
getting ready for the job,
searching for the job,
and most importantly,
keeping the job.

This program provides a strong emphasis on identifying personal strengths and utilizing these strengths as a valued employee in the workplace. The need for the program comes from the fact that competition for jobs is fierce and today’s workforce is changing. The Job Ready program will give students an edge in the job market by helping them to uncover their strengths so that they can pursue the job or career path most appropriate for him or her and put their talents to good use for employers.

This program offers nine "shifts" designed to provide participants with both the concrete skills necessary for getting a job, such as writing resumes and filling out applications, and the more abstract skills of believing in themselves and projecting confidence to potential employers. These "shifts" are divided into three units, each focusing on different stages of the employment process.

Job Search Open Lab
3:00 - 5:00pm

JOB READY Workshops
3:00 - 5:00pm
Course Includes:
·   How to GET READY for the job.
·   How to SEARCH for the job.
·   How to KEEP the job.

Given the growing number of high school students transitioning into the workforce, Job Ready is a much-needed program and an important step in ensuring gainful employment for today’s youth. It is also a timely program when considering the broadening economic development and unemployment rate. The program proves innovative in its classroom-to-job thoroughness and its focus on helping students tap their hidden talents and believe in themselves. Significantly, those who participate in this program will walk away with all the necessary tools and skills to successfully obtain and maintain gainful employment.

For more information about JOBS Job Ready Program

Donate Now Orange Hover Change
715 Kensington, 25 A • Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 541-6966

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