Donate Now Orange Hover Change
JOBS Life Skills Development - Special Olymics Team


Individualized Services

Homemaker & RespiteJOBS Life Skills Development Center Meal Preparation
Take a break
Allow us to prepare meals, provide routine household care and deliver services when your caregiver needs a break or will be away from home.

Residential Habilitations
Learn daily living skills:
We will assist you with acquisition, retention or improvement in Independent living skills such as personal hygiene, household chores, meal planning, grocery shopping, food preparation and more, based upon Individual needs.

Prevocational Habilitation
Thinking about a job? Learn basic concepts essential to employment including attendance, task completion, time management, productivity, communication and problem-solving.

Supported Employment
Are you ready for employment? Our individualized program will prepare you for a job, assist with locating employment in the community and help you achieve long-term success. We will support you in reaching your employment goals with training, coaching, advocacy and adaptations.

Adult Companion ServicesJOBS Life Skills Development Center Sign Language Classes
Friendship: Utilize individualized or group socialization in the community or in your home.

Get where you want to go: Our transportation program can help you gain access to employment locations, community services, activities and other resources. Our program may even include services to provide guidance and assistance. We will protect your independence and ability to access work and other community activities.

Social, Leisure and Recreational Supports
Time for fun: Have fun and experience personal growth and development. Enjoy community integration, formation of friendship and improve social skills.



"This service has helped me realize that a job is more valuable than I thought."

"I have learned that I need a positive outlook, how to make a respectable resume,
and how to keep a job."

"This program has helped me learn how to be a good employee."

Donate Now Orange Hover Change
715 Kensington, 25 A • Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 541-6966

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